First Post of this website!

This section will be filled with news about Wasted development!

Hello all, finally Wasted has a website too! With this news section, we wanted to finally start documenting all the new things that we add to the project, maybe week by week. This week I was busy creating the website. I didn't work on the game but this is an important step as it allows us to reach all the potential users and present the game in a better way rather than relying only on the code repositories for all the newcomers. As soon as I am finished with this, I'd like to finally start working on the Physics of the game! Improving the physics is a key factor to make the game playable and funnier Also, don't forget to tell us what do you think about this website! I created it using only HTML and a very cool CSS framework called Bulma. We also added a dark mode that will be enabled if you are using a browser with a dark scheme. Remember that the website won't be able to run in dark mode if you are setting the browser always to light mode (like with librewolf or TorBrowser). I hope you like it!