
In this page you'll find the latest news

First 2025 article, some news and good intentions!

Some changes to the website, new release coming soon.

Hello everybody! I am writing something here to keep you updated about what's been cooking in the past months. There are many many things being developed on the game and 0.6 is pretty close now but I'll go into detail when I'll release the 0.6 version. Today I want to focus on the website part instead to tell you what I've done recently and how this could maybe help me writing more often.


I basically added an rss feed so you can now follow the website blog section easily adding the rss feed to your rss reader. The rss feed was also added to the FGD Planet aggregator.
I created a small utility in bash which allows me to post an article updating automatically the:
- in-game xml news file;
- rss feed;
- latest article file and blog structure.

This way I don't have to do all these things manually but I only need to write the article and post it.
This very article was posted using this tool which could be (maybe) the start of a new html/css framework done in Bash :)
Finally, I hope to release the 0.6 version in February. I don't know yet if I will make it, but I think it could be even larger than 0.5. A lot of work went on the radio stations features and some rebranding and ui/sounds rework.

Hope to give you some news soon again!

Happy destruction!

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First 2025 article, some news and good intentions!

Some changes to the website, new release coming soon.


Wasted 0.5 was released!

Wasted 0.5.0 was just released bringing a pletora of new features to the game.
Honestly I don't even know where to start. Some of the news were already shared in the last blog post but there's even more.

News about 0.5 and a small summer break

During these 3-4 months, we were able to add a few new things to the game and fix a couple of bugs.
I am writing this article while I am taking a little break from development. But I am excited to share the news with you!

Going Forward: path to 0.4

Hello all, we are finally approaching version 0.4. Many things have changed but the focus was mainly on improving physics. Before diving deeper into what changed I would like to tell you a bit about how the ONFOSS event went. It was a valuable opportunity to test the game with at least 8 players.

First Post of this website!

Hello all, finally Wasted has a website too! With this news section, we wanted to finally start documenting all the new things that we add to the project, maybe week by week....